Using linked list, DMA can play the function of one configuration and multiple implementation, so as to liberate CPU resource and improve the system response speed.In order to reduce the power consumption of Mobile terminal, improve its standby time, the concept of discontinuous receive (DRX) was introduced in relevant GSM stardards. In this paper, based on DTT6C01B chip and the physical layer design of COMSYS, investigated the methods and processes of low-power design and implementation of DRX. In order to realize the function of DRX in the program, add a DRX Manager module in L1C, which was used to determine whether the procedure should enter the sleep state, the kind of sleep mode entry, as well as sleep time. The concept of DRX low-power is used in mobile terminal module, it can dynamic control the other module ( for example, RF power) according to the status of Mobile Terminal, it can made the average standby power consumption of syatem lower from 80mA to 5mA or so, it greatly improve the practicality of the system.In order to make users understand the whole system clearer, the function of the system operation more intuitive and convenient, and the paper designed a simulation interface base on DTT6C01B platform used VC++ programming language. The VC++ program mainly realized the fuction of short message and dial by sending AT commands in serial port. It validates the resolutions of AT commands in the software module are correct or not. On the other hand, it verifies the correctness and feasibility of the system functions.
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